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A question of hope and optimism for primary care.

There was a great question posted on Twitter recently by Dr Hussain GHandi Digital and Tech GP (@drgandalf52)

“What advice would you give to GP partners out there?

Aside from many of them are doing that already.”

It might have been asked in despair, or maybe with tongue in cheek, but it is a question that many might be considering. Although it was no more than a tiny straw poll the answers gave a real insight into how those in primary care are feeling, what actions are being taken and where hope and a better way can be found.

There were some interesting answers that either offered a broadly negative opinion or one of hope and optimism.

Unsurprisingly some feel it’s A BROKEN SYSTEM where the challenges are so overwhelming, they create a feeling that you don’t have the power to fix it, or it’s not your problem to solve. When the pressure is on you need to take care of yourself and your team, and advice of SELF PRESERVATION was also shared by many.

But it was far from all doom and gloom, and it was the third group, who shared our view of HOPE AND OPTIMISM, that resonated with us.

Yes, primary care is facing huge challenges and going through the greatest amount of change in arguably over a generation, but where there is change you will also find opportunities. It’s not always readily apparent, but as was seen in the answers to the question, primary care still has a considerable degree of autonomy, control and choice. We share the view that a brighter future for primary care can come through working at scale and employing different care models and re-inventing the traditional partnership structure.

The primary care workforce has changed and it’s essential to build the right team. The future is patient care built around multi-disciplinary teams and maximising the opportunity of the ARRS roles.

If you’re not experiencing some of these positives, then it might be tough not to resort to self preservation in what you see as a broken system. While these solutions may feel out of reach, or maybe you’re struggling to make them work, it’s worth remembering that sometimes a big change needs support and guidance to successfully implement.

Thanks for reading, following, supporting and enquiring!

The Venn Health Team



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